
Euro Invasion: McQueen in LA, Chanel to Robertson

WWD has reported that Alexander McQueen is finally going to be setting up shop in LA next April - and, in my opinion, it's about time. Although his flair for the dramatic does clash slightly with the laid-back West Coast aesthetic, his creations are perfect red carpet material. Here's hoping that his arrival will inject a bit of excitement and controversy back into the Hollywood fashion scene, which has been feeling stale for far too long...

WWD has also announced that Chanel and D&G will be opening outposts on Robertson Blvd. in the coming months. A tabloid favorite, the street's boutiques are constantly being namechecked - here a Nicole Ritchie toting her baby weight in Kitson bags, there a Christina Aguilera buying cashmere diaper covers at Bel Bambini, and over there a Lindsay Lohan stocking up on $200 t-shirts at Lisa Kline. Is a smart strategy in terms of increasing column inches, but it does beg the question - who are these labels trying to appeal to? If it's Us Weekly readers, then great - but the brands might end up losing the interest of clients who value exclusivity and the cache of luxury. That is, if they haven't lost them already...

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