
Fash Bash: Maude Carrin Loves Chase

I first became acquainted with the work of muralist Chase when it was being exhibited at Xin on Melrose. Since then, I've noticed it absolutely everywhere - on the walls in Venice I pass by on my way to work each day; at a Gen Art sample sale; even next to the men's skivvies at Bloomies in the Beverly Center.

Like a modern-day Andy Warhol, Chase has become a sort of artist-laureate for the city's cozy fashart scene - albeit one with a distinctively shiny, happy, West Coast-appropriate message of self-awareness and hope. His next appearance on the retail circuit is launching this Friday at Maude Carrin (7427 Beverly Blvd), where he will be customizing...well, anything you want him to.

Attached to the launch invite was the picture below - it's of the artist's latest mural in Venice, which has immortalized his god-daughter. The cynical New Yorker in me wants to make a snide comment about joining hands and singing Kumbaya, but I just can't - his work makes me smile, which is more than I can say for most of the art I've seen lately.

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